3 - Preparing To Channel

In order to recognize the type of being that you truly are,
it is important to know exactly what it is that you are.


In the next few pages I am going to talk about some of the things that I and my students have found particularly important in being a good, clear channel. You don't have to master them all at once, but you may find this a useful place to begin to prepare to channel.


Probably the most challenging aspect of channelling is being sensitive enough to distinguish between your own energy and that of your guide. Once the connection is established this is easy to do, but at the beginning, especially if you are working on your own, it can be tricky. To be a really good channel you need to step aside and let the guide do the talking. Of course, your guide will feel like you to some extent, because guides use your body to ground their energy and your body has its own energy signature. You have spent many years in this body and you are familiar with its energy patterns, so it is not surprising that at first it may feel strange to open up to the guide's unfamiliar energy.

It helps to spend some time in meditation practice so that you are clear about who you are and the types of thoughts you have.

This may sound odd, but through the observation of yourself in this way you get to know the characteristics of your own patterns of thoughts and feelings. You will then be absolutely certain which thoughts are your own and which come from your guide.

Focus And Concentration

To channel for a period of time you will need to hold a steady focus and maintain the clear channelling connection with your guide. To develop this ability to focus and concentrate, meditation will be your easiest route. When we teach channelling we send out meditation tapes for our students. One of these tapes contains a series of exercises in focus and concentration; the technique is explained below.

Meditation: Focusing On A Soul Quality

You might like to play some gentle music, light a candle and some incense. Settle into a straight-backed chair with your feet firmly on the floor.

Spend a few minutes relaxing your body, finding a comfortable position in which to meditate and just focusing on the breath. Concentrate your attention on the movement of your breath in and out of the body, letting this take up as much of your attention as you can. Observe the in breath and the out breath, noticing how they are different, noticing their qualities, perhaps observing the expansiveness of the out breath.

When you are calm and centred, maybe five or ten minutes later, start to bring your mind to a soul quality that you would like to develop and experience more. Some suggestions are: peace, tranquillity, self-love, compassion, patience, kindness, unconditional love and courage. Spend some minutes now thinking about that soul quality, seeing yourself filled with that quality, seeing how that might transform your life and your experience. Really focus in on that soul quality and nothing else, letting the thoughts and feelings flow until you start to feel that you have that quality right now and until you are really experiencing it. Then bring yourself back to the room. ...

You may notice that it is quite hard at first to keep your mind centred on just the one thing. If your mind wanders, and it almost certainly will, don't worry - just gently return your mind to the focus you have chosen. Be kind and gentle with yourself; it takes time to develop focus. Let this form of meditation be a regular practice and you will reap rich rewards. You will develop your ability to focus, but also by the law of attraction you will begin to experience your chosen quality in your life more and more.

Other Benefits

Regular meditation offers other benefits too for a channel. Those who regularly meditate can reach a balanced state of awareness very easily; they know how to calm themselves down, how to maintain a state of emotional balance and how to clear their minds. This state of mind is very helpful in channelling. Imagining that the mind is like a smooth lake in which the energy impulses of your guide can be reflected will give you an idea of the state of mind you need to reach to be a good channel. If your mind is in turmoil with your own thoughts, it can be very difficult for the guide to get through to you and for you to distinguish your thoughts from the guide's messages.

You could perceive your own thoughts as interference, like the crackle you get from the radio when you haven't tuned into the station properly. Channelling is like tuning in to the higher realms; you are the radio through which you tune in, and when you have interference you are making it much harder for your guide to get through to you.

Regular meditation also enables a channel to develop the qualities of compassion and an open heart. If you want to be a channel for others you need to be able to embrace them wholly for who they are, without judgement and with great love. As explained earlier, guides are drawn to those who echo their own energy patterns, and the energy of high-level guides resonates most strongly to the patterns of unconditional love and service to humanity.

To bring through the highest possible guide you need to purify yourself to reach the highest state you can. In Insight Meditation Joseph Goldstein wrote about channelling: 'In traditional Buddhist cultures people believe that devas, or celestial beings from higher planes, can work to protect, guide and help us in different situations. The Buddha taught that devas are drawn to us through the power of virtue and loving kindness. As we cultivate and purify our own morality and love, we open ourselves to receive their positive energy and beneficent help.'

These ancient traditions recognize the importance of bringing ourselves to the highest possible state so that we can channel the beautiful energies of high-level beings. Therefore working with high states of consciousness and with light are very good for your own development and for your development as a channel.

Meditation will also help you to work with your ego. It is only too easy for channelling to go to your head, so to speak - channelling does not make you any better or wiser than anyone else, but it can sometimes lead to delusions of grandeur! Through the discipline of meditation you can reach a state of clarity in which you have no illusions about yourself, and from which you will not need to try to prove yourself better than others. Channelling can lead to real humility as you develop the relationship with this beautiful being of light who is free from the illusions of the earth plane. Channelling will lead you to a true freedom of the spirit.

Finally, regular meditation will bring many gifts in your life and will help you to keep your energy clear even if you are channelling for a large number of people every day. A few minutes of meditation is very refreshing and reviving and will bring you back to your own clear centre.

Suggestions For Meditation Practice

The many types of meditation can be confusing for a beginner. But to begin with, simply sitting each day is enough. It is the discipline of being with yourself for about half an hour a day that will begin to build into a meditation practice. There are many books and teachers available - just choose the one that feels right to you. The important thing about meditation is to do it - not just to think about it or read about it, but actually to sit and do it regularly.

You might like to try these suggestions for meditations to begin with. You can just learn the processes, or perhaps make a tape to listen to. At the School of the Living Light we make many guided meditations which you can buy on tape (see p. 15 8).

The following technique is a very good, simple preparation for channelling. Creating a bubble of light is also a good form of protection in the sense that it helps to keep your energy clear and high, aligning you with the higher light of the universe. During this meditation you are instructed to work with your aura, the energy field that surrounds your body. Imagine that this energy field stretches about two or three feet all around you, maybe in an egg shape. (See p.37 and Chapter 8 for more information on auras.)

Meditation: Creating Your Bubble Of Light

Begin by relaxing your body, sitting with your spine very upright or lying down if you prefer. Let all your muscles relax, and check that there are no areas of tension. Check especially for tension in the jaw, the shoulders, the solar plexus and the stomach. When you have done this focus your attention on your breathing. Just notice the breath moving in and out of the body.

Notice how many counts it takes for you to breathe in and how many counts it takes to breathe out. Just notice, and keep very focused on the breathing for a couple of minutes. Then add one count to the in breath and one count to the out breath. Let this stabilize for a couple more minutes and then do it again, adding one count to the in breath and one count to the out breath. Again, let this stabilize for another couple of minutes.

Begin to imagine that on each in breath you are reaching up to the higher realms of light and you are breathing in that higher light, and that on each out breath you release that exquisite light into your aura. You are filling your aura with the light of the higher realms, strengthening your own light and beginning to build a connection with the realms in which you will meet your guide. As you breathe in let the

breath move deep into your body all the way down into the abdomen and deep into every cell of your body. Imagine that your whole body is filling up with this higher light and you are becoming radiant with light. Your aura is glowing with light and expanding to accommodate so much radiance. Imagine that your aura is like a big, golden bubble of light all around you, protecting you and keeping you safe from any outside influences. Reach up to your soul now and ask your soul to fill this bubble with the light of your higher purpose, your soul's purpose.

Imagine now that this big bubble of light around you is beginning to lift up, lazily rising up into the sky, and you are safe and protected within this bubble. Let yourself float like this for a few minutes. You may like to imagine that you can look out of your bubble and see the clouds around you, the blue of the sky above you, and maybe you can look down and see a beautiful landscape beneath you. Just enjoy this floating and looking, feeling safe and filled with light.

When you are ready, drift back down in your bubble and come back to the time and place of the room you are in, feeling relaxed and invigorated. Take a few moments to reorient yourself to everyday reality. A good way to do this is to have a cup of tea and spend a few minutes outside if possible. If you feel disoriented when you return from meditation, try stamping your feet and pacing up and down, and then have a cup of tea or other hot drink and a snack.

Expanding Your Aura

Your aura is an energy field that sits around your physical body. Seen clairvoyantly, the aura is usually composed of beautiful colours that cocoon the body in light. All living things have an aura from which they can draw energy. The aura can be worked with to improve your levels of energy, to clear you of unwanted energy and to shift unwanted symptoms when you begin to channel.

Expanding your aura is a very useful process when you are tense, stressed, worried, frightened or cross. At such times you tend to shrink your aura, which can give rise to effects such as tension headaches. But expanding your aura will make it easier for you to relax the physical body, and can alleviate headaches and tension. These headaches can also come about because your aura is not big enough to accommodate all the energy you are holding.

Guides, too, have auras - in fact you could say they are really all aura as they are essentially energy beings without physical form. When you channel your guide you merge auras — you could almost say that you take on the energy of your guide. When you are in the higher realms and you first start to get close to each other, you may experience your guide in many ways. Each guide-channel partnership is different, because each guide and each channel is an individual.

However, all guides are big! It is useful to learn how to expand your aura and practise this before you actually channel. Otherwise, when you come back from being with your guide you may experience physical problems such as a headache or aches elsewhere in the body. The process is described below and is also available on tape as a meditation led by Ortan.

Meditation: Expanding Your Aura With The Light Of The Higher Realms

Sit quietly in your usual meditation posture, and make sure that you will not be disturbed for a few minutes. You may like to play some gentle music in the background.

Straighten your spine and breathe deeply, taking the breath all the way into the lower abdomen. Spend a few moments relaxing your physical body so that it is comfortable. Let go of your thoughts and allow your emotions to calm down.

Tune in to your energy and imagine that it is becoming very calm and tranquil, as if you are slowing down. Now start to imagine that you are calling light to you so that you are surrounded by a wonderful, clear light. Let yourself enjoy this experience as you sit in the light. Breathe this light in deeply, focusing on your breath. Don't try to control it, just observe and let your breathing deepen. Spend a few minutes just breathing in the light and filling your physical body with the light.

When you feel full of light start to imagine that when you breathe out you are breathing out light and filling your aura with light. Visualize your aura becoming brighter and brighter if you can. It starts to take on a glow. Stay with that experience for a few moments.

Now imagine that with every out breath your aura is expanding. Just as a balloon expands when you blow it up, you are expanding and filling your aura with light. As you do this you may feel very expanded and relaxed, and your breathing may deepen and open up. Just go with your experience, letting your aura continue to expand until you feel a sense of completion.

You may be surprised at how big your aura will become as you do this. Let that be all right. Come back to the room and open your eyes very gently and easily.

Once you have mastered the process of expanding your aura you will be able to do it in an instant - when you are waiting for a train or bus, say, just expand your aura. The more expanded you can keep the aura the better.

Physical Considerations

Channelling can be physically demanding for the channel. But this does not mean that you cannot channel unless you are physically perfect. However, care and consideration for the physical body are needed. Many people report that, when they first start channelling, their guide's energy is felt in a very physical way, like a strong heartbeat, or a rush of energy through the body, or a strong feeling of emotion. Remember, taking care of your body is at the heart of self-love. Ortan says, channelling for this book on 21 August 1995.

ORTAN: The nature of love has been taught through the ages by all masters and all enlightened beings. The nature of love begins with love for the organism that you have been gifted to take care of-your body, your brain, and of course your soul and higher self. And it is the starting point for development to come to be easy with this self, this manifested self.

Ortan stresses over and over again that unless the body is healthy it is very difficult to concentrate on spiritual growth and development. He understands that pain will take over your awareness and exclude many possible states of consciousness, so he works hard to assist people, including me, to be easy with their bodies. I have worried in the past about my weight, as many people do. Ortan says that minor weight gains, which we dislike merely because they make us less attractive, are irrelevant. The only real problem is excessive weight gain, which might affect our health.

Another aspect of physical care is exercise. For the energy to flow easily in the body and to maintain good health I practise yoga, which I find a simple and enjoyable way of keeping fit without stressing the body. You need to find what suits your body best, which may be walking, tai chi, swimming - whatever makes you feel good. Ortan repeatedly stresses that the exercise you choose does not need to be extremely strenuous. In fact he is keen on the gentler forms of exercise, which, he argues, do not lead to a risk of physical injury in the long term. He recommends the practice found in the wonderful teachings of Thich Nat Hanh (see The Blooming of a Lotus}. A shortened version, which we call Smiling to your Body, is given below.

Meditation: Smiling To Your Body

Spend a few minutes settling your physical body into a position of comfort. Keep the back very upright but at the same time relax all your muscles.

Now let your breathing settle down to a comfortable rhythm and start to imagine yourself as a five-year-old child.

Now on the in breath see yourself as a five-year-old child and on the out breath smile with compassion to that five-year-old child, actually smile, because the energy of smiling can heal you emotionally and physically. Repeat this step three times.

Aware of your body now, on the out breath smile to your body, your whole body, smiling warmly to your whole body. Repeat three times.

Now as you breathe in become aware of your skin and as you breathe out smile to your skin. Repeat three times.

As you breathe in become aware of your heart. As you breathe out smile to your heart and in your smile feel the energy of gratitude. Give joyous thanks to your heart for all that it does for you every single day of your life. Repeat three times.

As you breathe in become aware of your lungs. As you breathe out smile to your lungs and in your smile feel the energy of thanks, joyous thanks for all that your lungs do for you every single day. Repeat three times.

As you breathe in become aware of your liver. As you breathe out smile to your liver and in your smile feel the energy of thanks, joyous thanks for all that your liver does for you every single day. Repeat three times.

As you breathe in become aware of your stomach. As you breathe out smile to your stomach and in your smile feel the energy of thanks, joyous thanks for all that your stomach does for you every single day. Repeat three times.

As you breathe in become aware of all your internal organs. You don't have to name them all. As you breathe out smile to all your internal organs and in your smile feel the energy of thanks, joyous thanks for all that your internal organs do for you every single day. Repeat three times.

As you breathe in become aware of your whole physical body. As you breathe out smile to your body and in your smile feel the energy of thanks, joyous thanks for all that your body does for you every single day. Repeat three times.

Now imagine that your whole body is drinking in this energy of your genuine smile, and as it does, imagine that your smile and your gratitude are nourishing your body, allowing your body to become more and more relaxed and filled with healing light.

On the in breath imagine that light is filling your body and on the out breath smile to your body and enjoy. Repeat for as long as you wish.

Energy Flows And The Chakra System

It is helpful for a channel to be aware of the energy meridians in the body and the functioning of what is known as the chakra system (see Chapter 8). If the energy is flowing easily through the meridians, it will be reflected in the flow of the physical body. Blockages will make channelling more difficult for you to do.

These meridians are the channels for the subtle energy, which the Chinese call chi, to move through the body. The meridians are like lines running through the body carrying this chi energy. Kinesiologists work directly with this type of energy, as do acupuncturists. If the chi energy is not flowing properly, ill health will follow.

One of the easiest ways to check if your energy is balanced and flowing is to see a holistic therapist. I visit an acupuncturist four times a year, when the seasons change: after the spring equinox at the end of March, after the summer solstice at the end of June, after the autumn equinox at the end of September, and after the winter solstice at the end of December.

These visits keep my chi energy flowing and support my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Acupuncture is my personal preference, but you must choose the type of approach that feels good for you. For example, Shiatsu too works on the meridian system. Some people prefer the approach of Ayurvedic medicine, which is based on body type and focuses on diet as a way to bring balance to your energy. Reflexology, too, can be very beneficial, again working on the energy balances of the body through pressure points in the feet.

Balancing, aligning and opening the chakras is also important for good energy flow and physical well-being. Various exercises and meditations will assist the flow along the chakras. There are many good books which contain information about chakras, and if you are not familiar with this literature you may find it a very interesting part of your training to be a channel to learn about the way in which the chakras influence the flows of energy at every level of your being. Chapter 8 focuses on channelling about the chakras, and the exercises and ideas there may be helpful. At the School of the Living Light we also make tapes to guide you in this work with the chakras.

Emotional Factors

While you are distressed or going through an emotionally difficult time, it is probably best not to channel for other people. You might even find it difficult to channel for yourself if you are in a period of emotional upheaval, because your mind will be preoccupied with your difficulties and challenges. It is easiest to channel when you are feeling emotionally balanced. If you know that you have unresolved emotional problems it may be very useful to see a therapist or a counsellor. Your preparation to be a good channel will be greatly enhanced if you face your emotional difficulties and work through them.

This doesn't mean, however, that you have to have your life completely in order at an emotional level - if you did, most of us could never consider being a channel! You will find that your guide will bring a great deal of wisdom through to assist you in the process of making your life work at an emotional level, but your guide will also need you to be committed to clearing your emotional body of any old patterns and difficulties. It is important to remember that you have been born as a human being, with all the challenges that this entails, because your soul chose it. So don't be afraid of emotional challenges - they also bring growth for you.


To help in this process of emotional clearing, try affirmations. Reading inspiring books will also keep your mind focused on growth when you might be feeling down or discouraged. I have given a few suggestions for affirmations below, but feel free to make up your own according to your own special needs.


I love myself just as I am now.
I live in harmony with all the people I know and work with.

I attract loving people into my life
because I am open to love and I joyously give and receive love.

I live in the present, giving thanks for all that happens,
knowing that it is for my highest good.

I am in the process of making positive changes in my life.

I release the past and I joyously welcome the future.

I am ready to channel a high-level guide.

When you have chosen the affirmations you want to work with, write them down and keep where you will see them during the day - maybe pinned on a notice board near your desk, or attached to the fridge door. Whenever you catch sight of them, repeat the affirmations to yourself three or four times. Think a little about what they really mean and how they reflect a truth that you now recognize.

Learning To Love

When you open to channel you will find that the experience of your guide is one of unconditional love. If you are unused to love in your life this can be almost overwhelming. It is therefore very helpful to prepare to receive this love and to return it by opening to love in your life right now.

The most important part of loving is to learn to love yourself. When you feel good about who you are, you are able to face problems with ease. Let go of self-criticism and release yourself from other people's opinions about you.

You may be surprised by one aspect of your growth into love -you may need to let go of some of your friends. Some friends can be very draining, so consider them individually and notice how they affect your energy. You may find that you are actually giving away a lot of energy to others, but not getting anything in return. Not only are you not getting anything in return, you are not helping your friends either. If they can always come round to see you and wallow in self-pity or other negative emotional states, they are not learning to cope by themselves with what their lives are bringing them.

Many people who are on a path of spiritual growth are very kind-hearted and generously give their time and energy, but this may not be serving their own growth and ultimately the growth of others. If you have friends who load you with their problems and worries, try to hold them in your heart but stay detached. This doesn't mean that you don't care about them - but don't feed their need to depend on you, which isn't moving them forward. Smile and imagine your bubble of light all around you protecting you from their negative energies and keeping you safe in the light. Stay centred and open-hearted, and leave your friends space to find and develop their own solutions.

Sensing Subtle Energies

Learning to channel is a process of learning to sense subtle energies. Meditation will increase your sensitivity greatly, but it can also be helpful to follow some exercises. One way is to spend time with other living organisms such as animals, plants and crystals. You will find that each has its own unique energy structure, which you can actually sense quite easily.

Exercise: Sensing Subtle Energy

Try sensing your house plants or the plants in your garden. Take a plant and sit quietly with it for a few minutes, then move your hand slowly to about a couple of inches away from the plant. You will feel an invisible layer around the plant - its energy field. That feeling may be just a gentle sensation on your palm as you draw your hand towards it, or a tingling. Now just imagine that you and the plant are sharing energy, just being together, and open your mind to the plant's energy. Ask the plant with your inner voice: 'Is there anything you need?' and be very open to hear the reply. Send love to the plant. Don't expect to hear a voice. You may suddenly get the idea that the plant needs repotting or watering or feeding, or maybe you will get the idea that nothing needs to be done right now.

Approach this with a sense of play and openness and see what comes up. You might be surprised!

Choose To Be A Channel

Begin thinking about how it would be to channel a guide. Channelling will bring you many gifts. Be clear now that this is what you really want and what you are working towards. Tell the universe that you are ready to channel.

To begin the channelling activation and to make a strong connection with your guide, it helps to be very clear that this is what you want to do. In your regular meditations, affirm that you are ready to channel. For example, you could open your meditations by affirming that 'I am ready to be a clear channel for the light' or 'I am ready to channel the highest possible guide'. Let the universe know that you mean it and that you are ready. Spend time in meditation asking for assistance in the opening to channel process, and close your meditations with the affirmation 'I am a channel for the highest possible guide. I ask that this guide be with me.'

Be positive about channelling, read about channelling, talk to channels and use your imagination to envisage all the wonderful changes that channelling will bring to your life.

The Law Of Attraction

By the law of attraction you attract to you that which you are resonating to - in other words you are like a magnet, drawing to yourself what you are thinking about and what you are filling our thoughts with. When you are aligned with a reality of limited potential you can project this unlimited potential into all aspects of your life. Your aura begins to vibrate with the frequencies you have chosen, and then you become more and more magnetic to those qualities in your everyday life.

It is the same with channelling. If you begin to think about channelling, to read about it and to believe that you will channel, you will begin to create a new reality where you are a channel. You will also begin to attract opportunities for meeting others who are interested in channelling, as well as making it much easier for your guide to connect with you.

If you think, 'Oh, I want to be a channel but I don't think I can do it' you are setting yourself up to fail. Think positively and start to believe that you will channel, and you will be paving the way for a strong, easy connection with your guide.

Meditation: To Begin To Align With The Energy Of Your Guide

There are many beings of light available who will help you in this process. In your daily life you may already be getting promptings from your guide. These may be in the form of sudden insights or intuitions. If you were not ready you would not be following this meditation, for the call has been put out to many, and yet still only a few are open to listen, only a few answer that call to spiritual growth. Each time one does, each time one of you chooses to act on that inner listening, you open the door for many others. You are choosing to work with the higher, finer frequencies of light and energy, and by this choice you make these frequencies more available for others to find.

Learning to connect with guides and angels can help you so much in finding your life's purpose. You may have been feeling an inner call as if you have had a mission upon this earth plane. You may know what this is, or you may only be at the beginning of understanding what your purpose here may be. As you connect with your guide you will gain a deeper understanding of your higher purpose, and together with your guide you will be able to act on this knowledge to bring it into your life and carry it out in service. ...

Start to bring your attention inward, feeling very focused, very centred and very balanced, feeling so quiet within, letting your body grow comfortable as you begin to lift your mind higher as if you are a bird, flying higher and higher into the light. Your mind is clear, letting go of everyday thoughts so that your mind is clearly reflecting the higher planes of reality. You are feeling more and more calm and centred, your energy is expanding as you begin to lift your energy higher and higher, letting the light flow down into your body, letting your energy take on greater beauty and more light.

Imagining now that sunlight is pouring down all around clearing your energy, beautiful warm golden sunlight, just the right warmth. This light is cleansing your aura, and you are growing lighter and brighter so that you are able to hold more light, to radiate more light. Your aura is growing lighter and more beautiful. Many beings of light are being drawn by your light and your beauty. They are here to assist you in moving into the realms of light, the realms of the guides. Ask for the highest possible guide, your guide, to begin the process of opening your energy, to start to establish the link between you more strongly. You do not need to know how to do this. Your guide knows exactly what to do. Simply be open to receive and to allow your guide to make these energy adjustments.

This is a very special time upon the earth plane. Humanity is in the process of a great transformation, and the doorway between the dimensions is more open now than it ever has been and it is easier now than ever before to reach upward. Your guide will help you in many ways in making this connection.

Drinking in the light here, feeling so integrated, so balanced and so safe within your own being. And as you begin to open your heart, feel what a loving, caring person you are. Your ability to love will become stronger and clearer within you as you make the connection with your guides and with higher beings of light, for guides work in the frequencies of love and light and you are now opening yourself to these frequencies in yourself and in your life.

And sitting very comfortably right now and relaxing even more deeply, imagine and begin to sense and to feel the guides and beings of light who are assisting you in this process of opening as they gather about you. You might feel surrounded by a circle of light, just letting yourself be very open to the light and the love of the higher realms and of your guide. Your guide has been waiting for you to reach up and to choose to channel and to connect with the higher realms. Ask your guide now to begin to strengthen and to deepen the connection between you.

You may not be conscious of this process at all - that is fine. Ask your guide to assist you in releasing any thoughts that do not serve you on this path of growth, to assist you in letting go of the negative thoughts, the doubts and the fears, so that you may grow in joy and in peace with a heart full of compassion and love. And ask your guide to help you in following the highest possible path of growth, making choices that are high and wise, making choices that serve your growth and are aligned with the integrity of your being.

Stay in this space with your guide for as long as you wish. When you are ready to come back, thank your guide and all the beings of light who have been assisting you and slowly start to imagine that you are drifting down through the light back into your body. Take a few moments to stretch and re-orient to the room.

Take your time as you work through the suggestions in this chapter; there's no rush. A thorough preparation for channelling will make the actual move into being a channel much easier. In the next chapter we will look at ways of protecting yourself as a channel, and in the chapter after that we shall be looking at opening the connection with your guide(s) so that you can verbally channel their wisdom.


