2 - Working With Energy

Learn to love that critical judgmental part of the mind
and show it other ways to be.


The Nature Of The Universe At An Energy Level

When you connect with your guide, you are connecting with a being whose existence does not depend on physicality. Guides often talk about energy and energy work - Ortan discusses our physical universe in terms of energy as well, and stresses the importance of the concepts of frequency and vibration.

Frequency And Vibration

Ortan believes that the only distinction between us and the guides is the rate at which we are vibrating. In his experience frequency is the only thing that is different. He says that our universe is made up of energy and this energy varies across the dimensions. The energy vibrates at different frequencies, so by changing frequencies you change the physical matter in due course - as above, so below.

However whilst energy work may take only a moment, it can take a while for the effects to come all the way down through the levels and actually cause a change at the physical level of experience. We are only equipped to sense certain frequencies, limited as we are by the sensory apparatus of the body. However, through work like spiritual development,

channelling and meditation we can start to develop the ability to sense much more subtle energetic differences. Ortan says that we are starting to be able to perceive other, subtler dimensions - as indeed we do when we work with guides.
It is because everything is vibrating at a particular frequency that energy work can take place. For example, when you are channelling healing energy you are bringing through a certain frequency of energy that sets up a resonance.

The client then vibrates at that frequency - a frequency that assists them in creating good health. Music/sound and colour therapies work on similar principles — you set up a resonance, and then the body can change its own vibratory rate to match the healing vibration.

Earth, Sun And Moon

From the guide's perspective, the earth itself has a particular vibratory rate (which Ortan describes as its song), as does the sun. Ortan argues that the sun is a signal of the presence of humans and intelligence, and reminds us of the importance of solar energy to all life forms. It is solar energy that guides use when they move from their frequency to ours, and it is the sun that draws attention to us from other entities and life forms far out in space. Ortan describes the solar vibration as one of light and growth, whereas the frequency of the earth is more that of love.

The moon also has its own 'song' - one that is finer and subtler. One of the closest ways in which humans can appreciate this sense of vibration is through instrumental music, song and chanting - through sound we can actually change our consciousness.

Planes And Dimensions

Ortan, channelling in 1995, said: 'There are different planes wherein dwell different levels of being, although it is wrong to assume that everything is ordered and hierarchical. 'Guides seem to be quite amused at our constant search for hierarchies and order, and after a while Ortan told me something of how the planes and dimensions are put together. First, of course, there is the earth plane where we live.

Then there is the astral plane, much of which is created from the earth plane level. Ortan has warned me frequently that it is extremely important to work with the mental body - the thoughts - because our thoughts at the astral level can create astral energies.

Other Dimensions, Other Entities

In our universe we human beings live in the third dimension, which is bounded by space and time. We are physical beings, and our experience of physicality is paramount in our perception of reality at any one time. Our experience is strongly affected by our physical senses - what we feel, see, touch, taste and smell.

However, there are also other dimensions which contain other beings or entities. The presence of these entities has been documented throughout the centuries in religious and mystical writings. Many mediums and psychics work with what is known as the astral plane, which is close to our own reality but is not physical. There are further planets that continue in ever finer frequencies. Ortan has said that he lives in a dimension of light.

Awakening to the seven dimensions

I believe that we are all souls in physical bodies who have chosen to manifest on the earth plane at this time, but many of us have forgotten who and what we really are. In Gurdjieff's terms, as I have mentioned, we are asleep. In The Complete Ascension Manual Joshua Stone explains this process very clearly, talking about the seven dimensions that we are working through, in the following order, in our time on the earth plane:

1. The physical plane.
2. The astral plane.
3. The mental plane.
4. The Buddhic plane.
5. The atmic plane.
6. The monadic plane.
7. The logoic plane.

We can stay asleep for many lifetimes and then eventually begin to awaken. At this point we become spiritual aspirants starting to develop mastery on the physical plane. This is the first level. Then we begin to gain mastery over our emotions and desires; this represents the second initiation, the astral plane. Mastery of the mental body and therefore over the whole personality (physical, emotional and mental) represents the third initiation.


Logoic Plane
Seventh initiation

Far beyond normal comprehension. The aspirant merges with the Planetary Logos.

Monadic Plane
Sixth initiation

All bodies merge together. The aspirant usually ascends now and becomes a being of pure light.

Atmic Plane
Fifth initiation

Soul and monad merge into one.

Buddhic Plane
Fourth initiation

Work is now at a soul level. It is unusual to achieve this level without many lifetimes of work. The heart opens fully and the aspirant becomes a Lord of Compassion.

Mental Plane
Third initiation

At this level mastery means that we control all aspects of the personality, mental, emotional and physical.

Astral Plane
Second initiation

The dimension where we master our emotions and desires.

Physical Plane
First initiation

Normal, everyday reality. As we awaken we become spiritually aware and begin to move along our path of growth.

(Ascending through the Seven Dimensions)


Now, the initiate can build the causal or soul body and gain liberation from the endless cycle of birth and death and rebirth. At the next level the soul body burns up and the soul is absorbed back into the monad (the soul's soul) and the monad becomes the guiding principle. At this point the person is a Lord of Compassion, sometimes known as an arhat. This is the fourth initiation.

At the fifth initiation there is a merging with the monad, and at the sixth all bodies are transformed into light as the monad descends completely and merges with the physical level. This leads to the process which Stone calls Ascension. Now the initiate has the choice of staying on the physical plane to continue his or her path of service to humanity, or returning to the spiritual world. At the seventh initiation the initiate merges with the will of the Planetary Logos (the spiritual Lord of the World and highest being in our planetary system, also known as Sanat Kumara). This is the highest level of initiation possible on the earth plane.

This movement through the planes as described by Stone is carried out through meditation and spiritual practices. Guides exist at high levels of evolution - at least the fourth dimension and above. But remember that this is just one way of making sense of dimensions. Many guides do not consider such delineations either important or useful - but I believe some delineations help us to make sense of how we move on a path of growth.

Thought Creates Reality

We create our own reality. Ortan explains that if each of us tries to keep our thoughts and our emotions positive, together we can create a different, and truly magical, reality. What we focus on is what we increase, so it is extremely important to keep a positive focus - a focus on the high and the good. By doing this we help to counteract negative thought forms. This understanding means that we can create an ever more beautiful reality in our lives on the earth plane. Ortan points out that there is an interaction between the thought forms that we create at the astral level and the creation of our lives on the earth plane.

The thought forms that are created on the astral plane last a long time before they dissolve. When we are channelling, then, we need to go up through the astral plane, keeping our thoughts clear and positive, for by the law of attraction we draw to us that which vibrates at a similar frequency, and this is especially true at the lower levels of vibration. The guides are found in a much higher dimension or frequency, to put it another way, than the astral plane.

No Time, No Polarities

Where the guides are there is no concept of time. Although we talk about going up through the dimensions, Ortan stresses that this too is an incorrect description. Actually, everything is woven together.

Realizing that time is just something that exists at our level of reality creates some interesting possibilities. As Ortan remarks, it means that we can access the future just as easily as we can access the past - in fact, at higher levels no differentiation is made.

Just as there is no time, so there is no polarity in the higher realms. All the differentiations we so love to make - black/white, male/female, high/low - just don't seem to exist for guides.

Our Perception Of Guides' Energies

Ortan is often asked about what he is doing, where he is and what he, and other guides, look like. He understands that this is of great interest to us. Once he took me to 'see' where he dwelt; to me it looked like a vast white cavern filled with blinding white light which was strangely moving. When he is asked if we will eventually inhabit the dimension he lives in, he says that when we die we do rise up through the planes and we certainly do have the potential to become inhabitants of these wonderful levels of reality so filled with the light of love and service.

As to what Ortan looks like, to me he is just a brilliant white light whilst Shalaya looks rather like a collection of starry points of light. One friend told me that her guide 'appears to me as wispy forms of light coming together to create the most delicate flowing material you can imagine'. Another said that 'Running with Water is male and looks like a very strong Indian Chief,' and a third that 'She is slender with milk-white skin and long black hair. I cannot identify features - she is Light.' What Ortan does stress about this is that we are bounded by our limited sensory perceptions, and we only experience a very small part of the guide's energy.

Discipline And Integrity

When discussing thoughts, Ortan emphasizes the concepts of discipline and integrity. 'Discipline' here means control - as you create your own reality, it is important that you are careful about what you create. This links in with integrity. When Ortan talks about integrity he is talking about acting in such a way that you bring no harm to others.

Discipline is something that we need to develop - for example the discipline to meditate regularly, to be careful about our thoughts and actions so that we act mindfully, trying all the time not to hurt others but to aid them. For it is through our thoughts and actions that we create our own 'karma', the accumulation of debts and credits in each lifetime. Through the discipline of meditation we can come to move easily into a harmonized space where we can be in direct contact with higher aspects of ourselves. Once we can maintain that contact, it is easy to live with integrity from a higher place of awareness. Ortan is very clear that meditation is all-important in the development of both discipline and integrity. From the space created by meditation we can reflect on our actions and learn to control our thoughts.

Ortan repeatedly stresses the importance of the development of the concepts of cooperation, caring and nurturing so that we can create a world filled with goodwill for all. He also often discusses the importance of letting go of judgements of others and accepting them for who they are, with unconditional love.

The Energy Of Love And Self-Love

Working with guides brings a new and deeper understanding of love. To be a good channel you will need to open up to love and especially to self-love. Love is the energy that can transform negativity and change the way that you think to support your growth and that of those around you. Moving to a love-centred consciousness releases you from being so centred in the head and enables you to become centred in the heart.

Just sit for a moment before you read on about love and think about where you experience your consciousness. Close your eyes and feel where in the body you feel the focus of your consciousness. Is it your head? Many of us become so absorbed in the 'busyness' of our everyday lives that we lose touch entirely with that genuine part of ourselves that is loving, accepting and joyous.

Love begins with self-love. This concept is very difficult for the large numbers of us who have been taught to put others first, and it tends to get confused with ideas of selfishness or egoism. Remember the safety routines on planes - when the oxygen masks drop, you are instructed to put on your own mask first and then to assist others. Love works in a similar way.

Only when you love and accept who you are, are you in a good enough position to do the same for others. Ortan says: 'Learn to love that critical judgmental part of the mind and show it other ways to be. So also practise loving the thoughts and loving all aspects of the personality. You may even wish to love yourself in the future and in the past. And send love back to yourself and forgive yourself in the future and in the past for all that you have done.' This doesn't mean that you don't continue to work to be a better person, of course, but it does mean that you learn to stop criticizing yourself and focus properly on that work instead of just thinking about it.

Self-love also means being honest with yourself; not deceiving yourself by pretending to be nicer than you really are, and coming to know yourself fully. Finally, self-love means taking care of your body - not out of vanity, but because the body is the means by which you stay in this experience and are able to learn the lessons your soul chose for this lifetime. So care over diet and exercise are vital. Tuning in to the body is an extremely helpful practice - just spend a few minutes each day letting your body have a voice and listen to what it actually needs.

Channelled Meditation From Ortan: Opening To Love

Find a comfortable, warm place. It is probably best to be seated with your back upright in a straight-backed chair. To make sure that you won't be disturbed, take the phone off the hook or put on your answering machine, and ask any other people in the house not to interrupt you whilst you are meditating. After a while you will find it easier and easier to meditate where you are. ...

Take a couple of deep breaths into the lower abdomen. Allow your energy to become more and more harmonized. Become more and more relaxed as you start to notice the increase in light with your inner sensing. Take a few minutes now to relax and open the physical body, letting all the muscles soften and relax. (5 minutes)

Begin to feel light all around you, above you a golden ray of light shining down into the heart. Let your heart drink in this light and begin to soften and to heal in this light. (5 minutes)

Focus on your breathing now. Breathing in light and breathing out the pain in your heart, breathing in light and breathing away sadness. Do this a few times, just letting the painful emotions be released into the light. (5 minutes)

Begin to see your heart centre as a beautiful flower opening petal by petal, and as it opens notice the light that is hidden within. Let this light shine out, the light that has been covered by pain and by sadness, by the negative emotions of anger and jealousy, greed and hatred. Let this light dissolve all these negative emotions now.

Resonate to these tender frequencies of love now. It is through these frequencies that all is accomplished on the earth plane. Notice the serenity and harmony of this place now. Notice all the equilibrium within your own spirit and spend a moment to reach up to the Solar Logos, thanking that great energy for the gift of life upon the earth plane, becoming the energy of gratitude. For it is only through this source of all life that you as souls were able to effect this

miracle of manifestation. And it is through this energy that you can manifest anything you wish, so long as the request is made with a heart that resonates in pure love, and this is the greatest secret of all.

We ask that you tune into these frequencies as often as you can remember. For you can see what they do for your own energy, reaching higher and higher through all the planes of beauty, through all the levels of joy. Your heart must be pure and all else will be given to you. We send you our love and our light, we send you frequencies of harmony. ...

That is the basic process of the love meditation. And you will notice that once this meditation is stabilized the thoughts are softened and changed. You may start to see many colours in the state of consciousness that is created by this particular energy shift. Breathing, noticing the softening of the thoughts if there are any. Feeling the adjustment in the heart.


