School Notebooks - H. van Doren
frontal page Introduction

#1 : The Pure Form
#2 : The Method
#3 : Transmutation
#4 : Generalities
#5 : Inner Religion
#6 : Telediol
Text #1 : From Philokalia
Text #2 : From The Castle
Text #3 : From Ta I Gin Hua Dsung Dschi
#7 : Arts, Sciences, Crafts and Schools
#8 : Crafts (Ludism)


The present volume is a compilation of the School’s handbooks that circulated amongst the Work-groups at the beginning of the year 1973. There purpose was to present the themes that were developed by competent expositors in each case.

On editing all the handbooks in a single book, the original diversity of subjects is maintained and at the same time, their official version corrects the alterations that inevitably occurred through innumerable copies and annotations added when passing from hand to hand.

Anyone who reads this book without having participated in the corresponding developments, will find serious difficulties of understanding, and may even feel astonished by the presentation of elements in which a large amount of suppositions seem to be accepted without analysis.

In such a case, it would happen as always happens when one finds oneself in front of something without a major context. Consequently, it should be clear that this penmanship is a tool designed exclusively for circulation amongst the working groups.

  • The notebook # 1: “The Pure Form”, has not suffered variations. It complements the book “Transcendental Meditation”.

  • From the notebook #2: “The Method”, the annex “The Movement” has been eliminated and the notebook # 3 has not been modified. Both notebooks complement the book “Minor Poetics”.

  • The notebook # 4: “Generalities” has been synthesised in some subjects, adapting it to the audio-visual set in circulation under the title “Themes of School”.

  • The notebook #5 has not been modified.

  • To notebook # 6 has been added a new annex which is a fragment of the Chinese book “Ta I Gin Hua Dsung Dschi". It complements the book “The Inner Look”

  • The notebook # 7: “Arts, Sciences, Crafts and Schools” has been only formally modified.

  • The notebook # 8: “Crafts”, although it is only an extract on the subject “Ludism”, has been added to this Internet edition not having been published before (HvD, October 1999).

    H.van Doren
    Santiago, mayo 1973.


©Translation byH. van Doren

© Translation from the original
Spanish "Cuadernos de Escuela",
first published in Santiago de Chile, 1973
by ©Editorial Transmutación™ # 41.403
All rights reserved for all countries.
©Home Page H. van Doren 1998

The printing of this book was completed on
6 December 1973 in Impresora Camilo Henríquez Ltda.,
General Gana 1415, Santiago de Chile