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                                   WICCAN SHAMANISM
                                     Selena Fox 
     typed by Lewis for P.A.N. 
               Shamanism exists intribal cultures aroundthe world and hasdone so
     for  centuries.  Yet, in  reading most anthropological  texts on Shamanism,
     there is  little, if any  reference made to  shamanism in Europe.   However
     Shamanism  has existed  among the  peoples of  Europe not  only in  ancient
     times, but also through the present day.   During the Middle Ages, the  Old
     Ways largely disappeared from public view because of persecution.  Yet they
     were not eradicated but  took a more  underground existence.  Today,  there
     are some of us of European ancestry that are bringing  Shamanic ways rooted
     in pre-Christian Europe back into the light. 
               Wiccan Shamanism is a term I began using several years  ago in an
     attempt to describe  my own path of magick and  spirituality in relation to
     the other forms of Shamanism on the Planet.  Wiccan Shamanism  draws on the
     Old but it  is not simply an attempt re-construction and revival of the Old
     Ways of tribal Europe.  Wiccan Shamanism blends both the Old and the New to
     suit the modern  times in which we live.  Although  emphasis is on European
     symbology and traditions Wiccan  Shamanism is multi-cultural, incorporating
     ways of other healers and magick workers from many places and eras. 
               What follows is a glimpse into Wiccan Shamanism as I  know it and
     practice  it.   While Jim,Dennis, and others who  help with various aspects
     of  CIRCLES  work may  share many of these concepts,  I speak here only for
     myself - for at  the heart of this spiritual approach is the idea that each
     person must  seek their own  connection with the  Divine, within their  own
     Self, rather than having me or anyone else do this for them.  This is not a
     path of  a leader with followers, but  a path where each  becomes their own
           I call to thePowers of the Four Quarters-- to Earth in theNorth which
     is the Realm of  the Physical Body and Material  Plane, to Air in  the East
     which is the Realm of Thoughts and Intellect, to Fire in the South which is
     the Realm  of Will Power  and Action,  and Water in  the West which  is the
     Realm of  Emotions and Intuition.   My Medicine Wheel is  the Magick Circle
     which  connects the Four Quarters.  The  sacred places I frequent include a
     high rock,  a crystal clear spring fed pool n  a hidden valley and a circle
     of stones in a grove of Oak and Birch on a mound. 
               I am achannel between Planet Earth beneath myfeet and the Heavens
     above   my head.   I become  the World tree  when I Shamanize,  linking the
     transforming  Dark  of  the Underworld  with  the  Awakening  Light of  the
               I am theCrystal LIght that isat the Center ofthe Circle and isthe
     fifth Element Spirit.  I seek always to act out of MY own Inner  Self which
     is at the enter of MY being, for my Inner Self in the Balance of all the  
     Elements, of my Female and Male sides,  of my Lunar and Solar natures of my
     intellect and  intuition my Inner Self  is my doorway into  the realm where
     All is One. 


               Isee the Circleof Life from theCenter.  Iwatch the Seasons change
     as  the Wheel  of the Year turns and I celebrate the  8 sabbats.  I connect
     with the dance of Night and Day, of Fair and Stormy Weathers, of the Waxing
     and  Waning Moon.  I  see the cycle of Birth,  Growth, Maturity, Death, and
     Rebirth in all of  Nature.  I examine the cycles of my  own life and of the
     lives of those who seek healing aid from me. 
               I amthe traveler between theWorld of Daily Lifeand the Otherworld
     which is the land of Dreams, visions and Spirits.  I am a Consciousness  
     Explorer. the Otherworldis as real and as important to me as the Day-to-Day
     World.  I bridge  the Worlds rather than seeking to dwell  solely in one or
     the  other.   I journey into the Otherworld  for a reason -- to  bring back
     healing and knowledge to  apply to Daily  Life, helping others, myself  and
     the Planet. 
               Isee the Divine in all things.  My friends and allies include not
     only  humans but also plants,  animals, rocks, winds,  waters, fire, stars,
     and other  life forms.  I commune  with the Source some  call "God" as both
     Mother Goddess  and Father  God, for  both aspects  are  necessary for  the
             The main focus of my Shamanic work is Healing.  I was calledto this
     path as a  young child in dreams and Out-of-Body  experiences, but I didn't
     begin my work  until my adult years  when I started Healing myself.   To do
     this I journeyed alone into the Pit of my Shadow Self and came face-to-face
     with  my    problems  and  hang-ups;  my  doubts  fears,  disillusionments,
     rejections, angers and hurts; with all MY false self images.  Words can not
     begin to express  the misery, the  utter despair the  powerlessness I  felt
     during this time.  Yet  coming apart was essential; it enabled me  to break
     through the barriers which  I had  formed and let others form in my  psyche
     that  had  kept me  from being  one   with my  True Self.   In  the deepest
     Darkness, I felt the Light of my own Inner Self beginning to shine through.
     I focused on the Light  and slowly emerged from the Pit,  stronger and more
     integrated than ever before  and with the power to  heal others as well  as
     myself.  As a result of  this transformation process, my life's work became
     clear.   I now help  others from  their own pits  of negativity and  become
     whole again. 


             Yetmy work also extends tomore than Humankind; it involves bringing
     Healing to the Planet  as a whole.  In  my communing with the Land,  I have
     heard  the cries  of the  Earth mother,  sorrowing over  the self-centered,
     greedy,  intolerant,  and  destructive  behaviors  of  many  of  Her  human
     children, who  are polluting the soiled,  waters, and air; who  are playing
     power  games with  nuclear  fire;  and  who  are  polluting  the  spiritual
     atmosphere of the entire world with their narrow mindedness and hate.  I am
     deeply concerned about survival --  not  of the Planer Herself  for all the
     humans in the world can not destroy Her even with all their weapons; She is
     too strong and powerful for that to  happen.  What I am concerned about  is
     the survival of the human race. -- will we annihilate ourselves and many of
     the life  forms around us,  or will we  wake up in  time to see  the larger
     picture, find and implement creative solutions to the  worlds problems, and
     enter a New Age of expanded consciousness? 
         The Balance of Life can be restored on Planet Earth; Harmony can be  
     restored between humankind and other life forms; Love consciousness can  
     increase  and be  prevalent on  the Earth.   I,  along with  numerous other
     healers and ministers  from a  variety of spiritual  traditions around  the
     world  today have responded to the upset  of Mother Earth by dedicating our
     lives to this  Planetary Healing  Work, each in  our own way.   It is  this
     Great Work that underlies all the healing and other things I do.  It is the
     Heart of Wiccan  Shamanism. 
          First published in fall 1984 CIRCLE NETWORK NEWS; 
          (C) 1984, CIRCLE, Box 219, Mt. Horeb WI 53572 USA.; 
