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                                  WINTER SOLSTICE OR YULE
               The High Priestess says: 
               "This is  the night  of the  solstice, the longest  night of  the
          year.  Now darkness  triumphs;  and yet,  gives way  and  changes into
          light. The breath  of nature is suspended: all waits  while within the
          Cauldron, the Dark King is transformed into the Infant Light. We watch
          for the coming of dawn, when the Great Mother again gives birth to the
          Divine Child  Sun, who is bringer  of hope and the  promise of summer.
          This  is the  stillness  behind motion,  when time  itself  stops; the
          center is also the circumference of all. We are awake in the night. We
          turn the Wheel  to bring the light. We  call the sun from the  womb of
          night. Blessed Be!" 
               Purify, cast the  circle, but do not light the candles.Invoke the
          Goddess and God. All sit down, and begin an antiphonal chant. All: 
               "To die and be reborn, 
               The Wheel is turning, 
               What must you lose to the  night? (repeat)" 
          Covener:  "Fear." 
               "Fear is lost to the night. 
               Fear is lost to the night. 
               To die and be reborn, 
               The Wheel is turning, 
               What must you lose to the night?" 
               Continue  interjecting lines  and echoing  each other,  until the
          energy  dies away.  Stand up  and link  hands. The High  Priest stands
          before the altar, holding and animal  skull filled with salt. The High
          Priestess leads a  slow, spiral procession, that first  snakes outward
          so  that each  member is  brought to  face the  High Priest.  They are
               "The light was born,     
               And the light has died." (repeat) 
          Another Priestess whispers, 
               "Everything passes,  
               All fades away.      (repeat) 


          The High Priest  places a pinch  of salt  on each member's  tongue,and
               "My body is salt, 
               Taste the breath of death." 
               The High Priestess leads the spiral inward, until the members are
          huddled  together. She  leads an  improvised trance  induction, slowly
          suggesting that they crumble to the  Earth and sleep. As all lie down,
          they are sent into a deeper trance with a multivoiced induction. As it
          fades out, they are told, 
               "You are entering a space of perfect freedom." 
               Time  is allowed  for trance  in the  state of  suspension before
               The High Priestess  approaches one of the coveners, stands by her
          head  with her legs  apart, and pulls  her through,symbolically giving
          her  birth. She  becomes part  of the birth  canal; they  continue the
          process  with the other coveners, the  birth canal growing longer. The
          men of the coven take  the newborns one by one and lay  them back down
          to sleep, telling them: 
               "Sleep the sleep of the newborn." 
               As  all  sink   back  into  trance,  they   are  guided  into   a
          visualization of  their  hopes for  their new  life to  come.Priestess
          smear honey on their tongues, one by one, saying: 
               "Taste the sweetness of life." 


               A new chant begins softly, builds in  power as it gradually wakes
          the sleepers, who join in on repeating lines: 
               "Set sail, set sail, 
               Follow the twilight to the West, 
               Where you may rest. 
               Set sail, set sail, 
               Turn your face where the sun grows dim, 
               Beyond the rim, beyond the rim. 
               Set sail, set sail, 
               One thing becomes another, 
               In the Mother, in the Mother. 
               Set sail, set sail, 
               Make of your heart a burning fire, 
               Build it higher, Build it higher. 
               Set sail, set sail, 
               Pass in an instant through the open gate, 
               It will not wait, it will not wait. 
               Set sail, set sail, 
               Over the dark of the sunless sea, 
               You are free, you are free. 
               Set sail, set sail, 
               Guiding the ship of the rising sun, 
                  You are the one, you are the one. 
               Set sail, set sail, 
               Into the raging wind and storm, 
               To be reborn, to be reborn. 
               Set sail, set sail, 
               Over the waves where the spray blows white, 
               To bring the light, to bring the light. 
               We are awake in the night! 
               We turn the Wheel, to bring the light! 
               We call the sun from the womb of night!" 


          The High Priestess says: 
               "He sets his face to the West, but in the East arises!" 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Who goes down in darkness?" 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Who sails?" 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "The Renewer." 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Who brings the golden fruit." 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Unstained." 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Whose hands are open?" 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Whose eyes are bright?" 
          ll: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Whose face is shining?" 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Mornings hope." 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "Who passes the gate?" 
          All: "Who is that?" 


          P:   "Who returns in light?" 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "A glow between twin pillars." 
          All: "Who is that?" 
          P:   "A cry between thighs." 
          All: "Io! Evohe! Io! Evohe!" 
          High Priestess: (leading, repeated by all) 
               "Queen of the sun! 
               Queen of the Moon! 
               Queen of the horns! 
               Queen of the fires! 
               Bring to us the Child of Promise! 
               It is the Great Mother 
               Who gives birth to Him, 
               It is the Lord of Life, 
               Who is born again! 
               Darkness and tears 
               Are set aside, 
               When the sun comes up again! 
               Golden sun, 
               Of hill and field, 
               Light the earth! 
               Light the skies! 
               Light the waters! 
               Light the fires! 
          All: Io! Evohe! Io! Evohe!" 
          The  High Priest  lights the  fire and  point  candles, and  all begin
               "I who have died am alive again today, 
               And this is the sun's birthday! (repeat) 
               This is the birthday of life and love and wings, 
               And the gay great happening illimitably earth. 
               We are born again, we shall live again! (repeat). 
               The Sun Child, the Winterborn King!" 


          Build  a Power Chant, focused on  reawakening life. Share feasting and
          friendship,  ideally until  dawn.  Before ending,  the High  Priestess
               "The Dark God has passed the Gate, 
               He has been reborn through the Mother, 
               With Him we are each reborn!" 
               "The tide has turned! 
               The light will come again! 
               In a new dawn, in a new day, 
               The sun is rising! 
               Io! Evohe! Blessed Be!" 
          Open the Circle. 
          Starhawk; "The Spiral Dance: Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of  t h e
          Goddess"; HarperRow 1979 
