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                                 Second Degree Initiation

          This is a ceremony we have used a couple of times (with  variations to
          suit the candidate)  for the second degree initiation.   You will note
          that it  borrows from many  sources: Masonic, Gardnerian,  Celtic, and
          Flight of  Fancy.  We've done it robed, sky clad, and some interesting
          combinations.  Seems to work ok either way.  If the candidate has done
          the work,  the  initiation ceremony  is  more  of a  public  "rite  of
          passage" or  recognition  of that  fact...  the real  "initiation"  is
          between the Gods  and the  candidate, and therefore  cannot really  be
          ...Gary Dumbauld, High Priest, Hernesgaard Circle 
                               A ceremony to recognize completion 
                                       of the 2nd degree 
                                        course of study 
          The Circle is cast as usual.   All are properly prepared and purified.
          High Priestess and High  Priest perform the Ceremony in  concert.  The
          candidate  is brought into the circle by  a friend and circled 3 times
          deosil, ending north of the altar,  facing the Priest, who is standing
          south of the altar (where else?). 
          "This is the time  of Full Moon, a time for rekindling  of light.  The
          struggle for higher light is: That we  may see it, and seeing it, work
          and  live by it.   We are  about to embark  upon a solemn  ceremony to
          rekindle the  light  of Knowledge,  the light  of Will,  the light  of
          Compassion, the light of Steadfastness; we will combine these  lights,
          and  rekindle the  light of  Dedication in  our Sister  (Brother) here
          before us. 
          _____ _________ , here have you been taught the ways of the Wise, that
          you might count  yourself among those  who serve  the Gods, among  the
          brothers and sisters of the Wicca, those who are called the shapers of
          the universe." 
          "I now direct your attention to the two lights upon our altar, the one
          representing  the Sun,  the  God,  and  the  High  Priest;  the  other
          representing the Moon, the Goddess, and the High Priestess.   The High
          Priest and Priestess, presiding  over the coven, may be  thought of as
          `One light to rule the day, one light to rule the night'.  Since these
          lights are both beneficent, each having  honor in its place, the Craft
          of  the  Wise does  not set  day against  night, God  against Goddess,
          Priest against  Priestess.  In the Craft,  we do not define  evil as a
          negative power,  rather as the lack of light; where there is the light
          of Sun or Moon, God or Goddess, there can be no lack of light.  Choose
          one, or both; place light within yourself, and nurture it." 

          "In times past, the Circle of Initiation was called a `Hermetic 
          Circle', after Hermes, the ancient name for the planet Mercury." 
          In astrology,  the house  of the Sun  is in the  zodiacal sign  of the
          lion, which is  the fifth house; the house  of the Moon is  in Cancer,
          the crab, and is in the fourth house; and the day  house of the planet
          Mercury is in the Gemini,  the Twins, and is  the third house.   These
          numbers, three, four and five, were sacred to many ancient peoples, as
          the dimensions of  the Pythagorean  Triangle, in which  the square  of


          five, twenty  five, is equal  to the  sum of the  squares of four  and
          three, or sixteen and nine.   Knowledge of this triangle was essential
          to builders; you are also a builder-you are building your character." 
          "I now direct your  attention to the several lights surrounding us, in
          the East,  South, West, and North.   Let us now  examine these lights,
          and see what we can discern within them of human character." 
          "In the building of  character, the Eastern light is  denoted the Lamp
          of Beauty, and stands for accomplishments; for learning, skill in art,
          poetry, in song and instrumental music, in painting and sculpture.  It
          exemplifies the art  of making  one's self attractive  to those  about
          one.  It is an old saying that `Beauty is as Beauty does.'   It causes
          great distress to see  these noble graces of character  prostituted to
          ignoble ends.   Remember well the  lesson of the  Lamp of Beauty,  and
          accept the blessing of the East." 
          Initiate is censed with incense from the censer which has been 
          previously placed in the East. 
          "The light in the  South is denoted the Lamp  of Life, and stands  for
          individuality, and for energy; for fervency, for zeal and vitality. It
          exemplifies  passions, desires  and  appetites.   It  means loves  and
          hates, sympathies  and abhorrences, and what is more than all the rest
          of  these, it means heart and joy in  the work of life.  Remember well
          the lesson of the Lamp of Life, and accept the blessing of the South."
          Initiate is circled three times with the brazier, previously placed in
          the South. 
          "Look now to the West, and observe the Lamp of Compassion, which 
          stands for `fellow-feeling'.  Every work in life demands a price. 
          Labor, tears, self-denial, self-recrimination,  the very blood of life
          is sometimes the  price of a truly  great work.   Look to your  fellow
          travellers  on the road; note with care  what sacrifice they have made
          in  their  progress  toward  the  truth;  allow  them  their   faults,
          commiserate  with them in their  failures, and rejoice  with them when
          they succeed.  Remember well the lesson of the Lamp of Compassion, and
          accept the blessing of the West." 
          Initiate is circled three  times with water, and his/her  hands washed
          in a laving bowl, previously placed in the West. 
          "Look now to  the North, and observe the lamp of  obedience.  The laws
          of the Gods are inevitable,  and the more we, as children of the Gods,
          understand and work in accordance with them, the greater is the sum of
          our  happiness.  Obedience in character means order, the subjection to
          one's principles, the fear to do wrong, and the desire to learn and do
          right.   Many would rather give  charity than do justice.   They swell
          with emotion, weep with sentiment, howl with the mob, so long as their
          own particular little tyranny  or injustice is not touched.   The Lamp
          of Obedience exemplifies firm will and determination of character,  in
          spite of  difficulties,  dangers and  losses.   So  also  the Lamp  of


          Obedience stands for self-control, for perseverance, and for prudence.
          In time of  peace, prepare for  war; when shines  the sun, expect  the
          cloud; and in darkness wait patiently for the coming light.  `When all
          the sky  is draped in black  and beaten by tempestuous  gales, and the
          shuddering ship seems all  awreck, calmly trim once more  the tattered
          sail, repair the broken rudder,  and set again for the  old determined
          course.'   Remember  well the  lesson of  the Lamp  of  Obedience, and
          accept now the blessing of the North." 
          Initiate's hands  are marked with damp earth from a bowl in the North.
          Initiate is then led back south of the altar. 
          "Of the character thus illuminated and thus guided by  the lights here
          on  the  altar,  and by  the  Lamps of  Beauty,  Life,  Compassion and
          Obedience,  it may  be said, `Though  the world perish  and fall away,
          he/she remains.' 
          Initiate then takes the Oath/Obligation, kneeling. 
          `In the names of  Arianhrod and Bran; Diana and  Appolyon; Heartha and
          Cernunnos;  and  by the  powers  of  Earth, Air,  Fire  and Water,  I,
          __________________  , pledge to love, worship and honor the Goddess in
          her many aspects; and her  Consort, the Horned One, Lord of  Death and
          Ruler of Chaos; to always be true to the Art and its secrets; to never
          abuse the Art or my own powers;  and to keep this pledge always in  my
          heart, in my mind, in my body and in my spirit.  This I pledge, by the
          Circle of Life, by Cerridwen's Sacred Cauldron, and by my own hopes of
          a future life.' 
          Initiate  stands.   High Priestess places  a necklace  over Initiate's
          "The Circle is a place between the worlds and outside time.  The 
          Circle is also the  Symbol of Life, Death, and  Rebirth.  We wear  the
          necklace  as a token  of the Sacred Circle  and as a  sign that we are
          part of all it symbolizes."       

          High Priest strikes the bell three times. 
          "Hear  ye, Lady of Life and Lord of Death!  Hear ye, Ancient Guardians
          of the Powers of  Air, Fire, Water and Earth!   In this place,  by our
          hands and will, _____ ______________ , known to us as _______________,
          has been duly pledged and anointed a Priest/ess of the Second Degree!"
