
Antakarana The cord of light between the physical body and the energy of the soul.

Arhat (Lord of Compassion) The title applied to a person who has reached the fourth initiation.

Ascended Masters Those who have become one with the divine light as a result of their work on themselves through many lifetimes. They have ascended into the presence of God, but continue to teach.

Ascension The process whereby we lift our own vibration through spiritual work and growth until we reach the presence of God. The process involves holding more and more light through all the bodies - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Astral Plane The point reached when a person has gained mastery over their emotions and desires.

Atlantis An ancient civilization that flourished for many years, using advanced technologies involving crystalline energy. They failed to balance their growth with spiritual practices and so were doomed to sink beneath the ocean. Some did escape the terrible cataclysm that engulfed Atlantis and fled to Egypt, Greece and America.

Aura/Auric Field The energy field which surrounds your physical body.

Bodhisattvas These are people who will become buddhas, but to do so they have to work with the qualities of morality, charity, wisdom, unconditional love, patience, truth, renunciation, will and composure.

The Bodhisattva Vow

With the wish to free all beings
I shall always go for Refuge
To the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha
Until the attainment of full enlightenment

Enthused by compassion and wisdom
Today in the Buddha's presence
I generate the Mind of Enlightenment
For the benefit of all sentient beings

As long as space endures
And as long as sentient beings remain
May I, too, abide
To dispel the miseries of the world.

Caduceus The wand of the healer.

Chakra A centre of force located throughout the auric layers/bodies.

Channel A person with the ability to hold and maintain a conscious connection with a guide from the higher realms.

Earth Plane The plane in which humans exist.

Guide A being who has chosen to work with humans to enable them to access high-level information to assist their growth.

Higher Self An aspect of a persons energy that is at a lower dimensional level than the soul and close to the physical self.

Kabbalah An ancient Jewish system based on the Tree of Life.

Karma The balance of spiritual credits and debits accumulated in a lifetime created by a person's thoughts and actions.

Kundalini The awakening of the energy which lies within the base chakra.

Light Body A form of spiritual body which reflects the true nature of the soul. This body allows inter-dimensional travel and communication with entities from other dimensions.

Monad Soul's soul.

New Age The current time in which the frequencies bombarding the planet are shifting and changing leading to a greater awareness of the spiritual dimension of life.

Nirvana A Buddhist concept: a state of blissful consciousness achieved through meditation.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) A branch of psychology/personal growth movement founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

Planetary Logos A Planetary Logos is like the soul of a planet. As we are souls in physical bodies, so the Planetary Logoi are also souls with the planet as their physical body. The Planetary Logos for the earth is Sanat Kumara.

Prana/Pranayama Life force energy which can be directed and controlled by breathing exercises.

Reiki A form of healing where the practitioner channels the Reiki energy through the hands to assist the clients healing process.

Sarasvati The 'channel of fire' which runs straight up the centre of the physical body from the first to the seventh chakra and connects them all.

Solar Logos The Solar Logos is Helios. The Solar Logos is a Master with the cosmic responsibility for the frequencies associated with our sun (see Planetary Logos).

Sushumna A subtle channel in the body.

Theosophy A system founded in the nineteenth century by Madame Blavatsky, based on Indian religious philosophy. It holds that we can achieve wisdom, and an understanding of the nature of God, through yoga.

Third Eye A chakra in the centre of the forehead. It is also known as the ajna centre, and it is where your psychic abilities can be awakened.

Universal Mind Also known as the Karmic Records, this is the dimension where all that has been known and that will be known is available.

Vibrational Frequency The rate at which the atoms and particles vibrate. The higher the frequency, the nearer to the light one is. Hence guides vibrate at much higher rates than human beings.

White Magic A Western approach to spiritual growth based on the Kabbalah, meditation and service to the light.
