9 - Common Questions About Channelling

We guides have an independent existence.
It is our joy to serve you,
to play with you and to work with you
when you are ready to do so.


Over the years that I have been teaching channelling certain types of question are asked very often, and in order to assist you a number of these are answered below. Remember that you can also ask your guide's advice if you have questions.

Physical Symptoms From Channelling

QUESTIONER: After we contacted our guides I found that as I came back from the meditation I was really hot. Is this normal?

LITA: Very! I still get very hot when I am channelling, and so do many channels I know. What happens when you channel is that you change your rate of vibration to match that of your guide. Imagine that we are all vibrating at a certain rate, that all our atoms are vibrating at that frequency. As you increase the frequency it is as if things are speeding up as you hold more and more energy. This combination of increasing your vibration and holding more energy is felt at the physical level as heat. You may find, as you work with your guide, that you get more accustomed to his or her vibratory rate and don't experience so much heat.

When I am giving readings for people I still always experience some heat, and it is extremely strong when my guide channels healing energy for them. Ortan often beams energy to our clients, and this is very hot work! The client, however, often experiences this not as heat but as light.

QUESTIONER: My neck really aches after channelling my guide. What can I do?

LITA: First check that you don't need any treatment such as osteopathy. If your spinal alignment is all right, there are two main things to think about.

The first is your posture. It is important to be very upright when you channel, with your back straight and your head placed as if a line could be drawn down from the top of your head down through the spine. Tuck your chin in slightly as if to accentuate a double chin.

The second important area is the centre at the back of your head and neck, where you may need more flow. Spend a few moments gently nodding your head to find the position where the back of your neck feels easy and relaxed and no strain is placed on it.

If you still experience discomfort of any type ask your guide about the problem. Perhaps you need to surrender at a physical level even more, or to pay attention to your physical body in some way - you may need to take more or less exercise, or perhaps change your diet.

QUESTIONER: My health isn't good. Does that exclude me from being able to channel a guide?

ORTAN: No. Indeed your health would improve if you channelled a guide, for the guide energy running through the body will improve the frequency. There are problems with your chest, are there not?

QUESTIONER: Yes, I'm told that I'm hyperventilating. One of the latest problems is anxiety states.

ORTAN: Yes, you have tightness in the chest and difficulty with the breath, and this is very clear in your energy. There are many ways that you could shift this problem, dear one. Do you go to a healer? [Ortan went on to give suggestions for improving the questioner's physical condition.]

Blocking The Information

QUESTIONER: I often wonder if I'm interfering with my guide in the sense that when I make the contact I feel he wants to speak, but he never starts to talk unless somebody asks a question, whether it be myself mentally or somebody else. I wondered why this was.

ORTAN: It is a basic law of the universe that you must ask. Guides will never thrust any information or knowledge upon you, however high it may be. So your guide, eager though he may be to assist you, will not do so unless you ask.

QUESTIONER: I got the book a long time ago and tried some of the work at home. It shows me something that I should be doing, but there's something blocking me from doing it. Yet it seems it's a natural thing for me to be able to do.

ORTAN: Yes, so it is.

QUESTIONER: Well, I want to know what to do about that.

ORTAN: All that will be blocking you is your personality. All the other levels of your being will be keen to channel. Channelling is normal- a natural thing for humans to do, is it not? But you have been given many warnings and worries about why you cannot channel, and who can and who can't - all of these funny stories that are spread on your earth plane about channelling.

Of course, some people make better verbal channels than others. Some people are channels for guides who work with art, with music, with all sorts of others areas, and your guides will be aligned with your life's purpose. So my suggestion to you would be to really work at finding your life's purpose, your path of joy and love and growth. As you move on to that, the channelling will become easy because then the guides will be able to come through strongly.

Also important is to spend at least twenty to thirty minutes a day in meditation, keeping the mind completely clear, keeping the body in discipline, calm, relaxed, mind focused and alert, clear like a mountain stream, like a lake, so that the impressions of your higher self, your guide and your teachers on the inner planes can come through to you without struggle, rather than having to beat their way through in the night in your dreams. This will really improve your ability to connect in with the higher realms.

LITA: We find that many people ask about being blocked in different ways. The easiest thing is just to work on feeling the connection first and not worrying too much about actual verbal channelling. Our processes on the Channelling for Healers tape course will help with this - the focus is on connecting with a guide who is aligned with your higher purpose. All the processes are based on meditation techniques and so you can accomplish two things at once - developing the connection with your guide and practising meditation. Remember, too, that your natural anxiety may be blocking you. Relaxing the body, as well as the meditation practice suggested above by Ortan, is very helpful in allowing you to work with this anxiety.

QUESTIONER: In a reading I was given the name of a guide. I call on all sorts of guides anyway but I don't really seem to be getting the feedback. It always seems as though I have got to keep making up my own mind - it's always down to me. I don't get anything coming through so that I can say, 'I will do that.'

ORTAN: It is a question of free will, is it not? Do you wish to live your life by your choice or by the choice of another entity? And of course you need to live your life by your own choices and you don't channel a guide until you have the strength to understand that which you most certainly have now, do you not?

So part of the difficulty with this experience of guide advice or information has been to do with your learning to trust yourself and your own perceptions, to trust your own ability, to guide your own life in the correct way, because you have had times when you have leaned on others and it was not appropriate. And so the support is not given, if you like, so that you will be able to integrate this lesson. But there is certainly a guide present in your aura at this time that we are aware of. And now what you need to do is to learn to still the mind even more, to let the mind be even clearer.

But part of the problem for you is that your ability is not going to be as a verbal channel. Your ability will be to channel different types of material, and for this reason you do not get clear words in your mind always. You will get impressions and feelings, you will have felt a sense of the correct path or the correct choice to make, and there may be other ways that you can bring guidance through that are very accurate, dear one, and are simply an easier route for your particular energy to bring. You have a very strong energy, do you not, a very vigorous energy, and this enables you to contact beings of a very particular nature. But they are not very verbal.

Not Hearing Voices

QUESTIONER: I don't hear things, I just. ...

ORTAN: No. You just know.


ORTAN: It is a knowingness. Very few humans hear things. If you think about the people on your earth plane who hear things, they are the mad people, they are the schizophrenic people who are hearing voices. They are not true voices, they are simply a stimulation of a part of their brain — it sounds like a voice to them.

Channelling is not like that. It is subtle. You will notice that Orin and DaBen's [other guides] teachings on how to channel are very subtle. It is finding the difference between one thing and another -some very similar thing to another. The subtlety of channelling and perhaps the challenge of it is that initially the shift when you bring in the guide is so familiar that you think it is not true.

What Should We Channel?

QUESTIONER: Is it important to know who you're talking to, as it were?

ORTAN: Yes. There is importance in the sense that we recommend that you work to connect with high-level beings. There are beings on your astral plane, which is the next level of reality to your earth reality, very close to earth, and a repository for many dead souls as they travel through the higher dimensions. The astral plane has many difficult energies, playful and mischievous - not dangerous, but they could be very uncomfortable to work with.

They are very misleading and manifest where people are unguarded — where people are not always attuned to the highest, shall we say. Now astral entities gain power from your energy, so once you connect in with them they can drain you very much; they can really take a lot of your energy if you give it. So the important thing is not to dabble or play with lower frequencies of the astral plane.

Now the easiest way to make a connection with that plane, of course, is through the games on your earth plane like the ouija boards. We do not recommend this form of activity, because it is such an open channel for astral mischief. And so it is important to know the level of the being with whom you work. The identity can be more tricky, but it is the level, that is what I would strongly recommend you to look at.

QUESTIONER: There are many people at the moment who are channelling beings that call themselves the 'ascended masters', and I wonder if you could explain who these masters are and their purposes.

ORTAN: Indeed. We have come to a time upon the earth plane where your planet has become of great interest. The changes that are occurring far your planet, the ascension of your planet, the evolution of your planet and all those who ride upon it, is an important move, if you like, within the divine plan, if you wish to call it that. Ascended masters are a particular type of energy, a very high energy. Those who are channelling these masters in many cases are making a genuine connection to masters of light. 'Ascended masters' is simply a term in the sense that they are ascended into another dimension, not the third in which you reside.

These ascended masters are given various guises and they are seen in different ways according to the beliefs of the channel, according to their upbringing and their ability to encompass the energy of the master. For each channel can encompass a certain amount of energy, a certain range of frequencies, and so some people find that they are very aligned to this particular set of frequencies.

I'm Making It All Up

QUESTIONER: I think that the problem with me is that I find it difficult to believe what I see or what I hear. Am I making it up? Is it all in my mind. Is it true?

ORTAN: It is all in your mind — where else can it be? Because this is the only sensing mechanism that you have, and because it is in your mind, it seems like it is your thoughts, does it not? And it is difficult to distinguish between your fantasies and something that is coming in from the outside. That is why discernment is an important frequency.

QUESTIONER: Can you tell me what guides I'm working with at the moment? I feel my work is with Sananda. I choose to call him Sananda because it takes it away from Jesus and the Orthodox Church which I've rather drifted away from, and his essence is very precious to me. And so sometimes I wonder if I think I'm making the connection - whether in fact I am or whether it's just wishful thinking.

ORTAN: The energy of the great teachers is always present on the inner planes, and these great teachers have numbered quite a few over the thousands of years that they have been choosing to manifest on the earth plane. Take Sananda and Buddha, for example: the essence energy of these kinds of teachers is always present because they have chosen to stay in service for humanity - they have chosen to be accessible and close. They have chosen this work - it is part of their mission, their higher purpose if you like, to do this. It is therefore not difficult to connect in with their energy, and the ease with which you can do this can be concerning. (Am I making it up? How could it be so easy?)

But you are right; you are making a connection with this energy. This is the nature of the great teachers of the earth plane - to be accessible, not to be remote. What help could they be then if you could not contact their energy? So they must be close. They are like us, always present because where we live, where we exist, we are beyond time. We do not mind being called at two in the morning; we are not asleep. This consciousness of Sananda is ongoing and omnipresent. It is an energy into which you can tap and draw energy from if you wish to, and you know that. You have felt that, and this is real perception.

QUESTIONER: Good. I hoped it wasn't a delusion. ORTAN: No because delusion is a problem for those on the earth plane. There are many traps on the path that you can fall into, and you are right to be careful. It is important to be discerning, to be careful what you are doing, and not to fall prey to ego.

QUESTIONER: Is it possible for you to tell me which guides I am working with or who are working with me at present? Can you identify them to some extent for me?

ORTAN: At this moment there are three guides working closely into your energy. The first we will call female — she's not female, but if you were to perceive her you would call her that. We will always make this polarity, because you are in a world of polarity. This guide is a guide of joy, laughter and fun. She wishes you to be light, to embrace a life of happiness. She is a guide who has been called in specifically by you in some of the work you have done. You have particularly, if you like, invoked her energy. Of the other two guides one is quite a powerful healing guide, and the other one has the energy of a communicator, of one who heals through communication, who is discursive. If you choose to channel verbally, this is the guide you would channel.

QUESTIONER: I'd love to do some channelling.

ORTAN: You wouldn't have a problem channelling that guide — he will speak a great deal. I won't give you names, because the names of guides are merely frequencies - call signs, if you like - and the way that you perceive the frequency of the names of your guides may be different, according to how they wish you to call them. And we don't like to take the joy of that connection away from you.

QUESTIONER: I have been told not to channel on my own because it's not safe.

ORTAN: But you are never alone when you channel, dear one, you cannot channel without your guide. It is always safe to channel with your guide. Your guide is here to love and protect you. You have made a connection with a high-level guide. You are not alone when you are channelling, dear one. How could that be?

QUESTIONER: I think I meant in the human form.

ORTAN: Well, channel with your dog, with your cat, with your goldfish - this would be fun, would it not? (We are teasing with you, dear one! You must forgive us.) But it is difficult to conceive of channelling alone. Whenever you open to channel, your guide is protecting you. Often there will be many angels about you, other beings. It is difficult to be alone in this universe.

Do you find yourself — I will be serious - do you find yourself becoming fearful when you are alone and channelling?


ORTAN: Then there is not a problem. Does that answer the question, though, dear one?

QUESTIONER: Yes, because I want to get on with the channelling. I feel that I get really good results, and I must admit it's more fun when it's just the two of us.

ORTAN: It is important when you're channelling, dear one, to spend a moment to dedicate it to the highest good of your soul before you begin, to connect with God, with the angels, and to call your guide, so that you are working at the highest possible vibration.

QUESTIONER: I have recently been asked why I want to channel, and it was suggested that it's perhaps an ego trip. The problem is I don't really know how to answer these people because I don't know why I want to channel - it's just something instinctive.

ORTAN: Indeed. And we could say that the reason you are not able to access your wishes in a coherent way so that you can defend yourself is because it is your higher self, dear one, that calls you to channel. It is not your lower self, as we call it, your personality self. It is the higher aspect of yourself that wishes you to channel. Very often those who come to us who wish to learn to channel, will say, 'We do not know why we are here.

We do not know why we wish to do this. 'And, dear one, this is because you are making a direct connection with the higher aspects of your being.

The reasoning, the thinking patterns of these higher aspects of yourself, are not necessarily accessible, but they will be following the mission, the dictate, if you like, of your soul, and this is why you are drawn to channel.

Many people upon the earth plane are learning to channel at this time because of the changes that have been occurring for humanity in the past few years, the changes that are known as the 'dawning of the new age'. With the dawning of this age, the frequencies that are bombarding your planet are shifting and changing.

This shift is leading to more awareness of the spiritual dimension of life, and those of you who are more to the forefront of this movement, those who are destined in the long term to be the leaders of this movement, and those who assist others in their growth, must learn to channel, for by channelling you are drawing directly on the wisdom of the higher realms, not on the opinions and thoughts of the lower realms. This is an important shift in humanity's ability to bring through higher knowledge and higher wisdom, is it not.

Channelling Visually

QUESTIONER: When I was asked, as my guide, if there were any areas on the physical body that had any blockages, at that point I actually saw what I call a clairvoyant picture, which is often what I receive during healing. My guide then interpreted that picture. Is that just a normal part of channelling? What do you see when you are channelling?

LITA: Yes - that's what I see as well. If somebody asks about the physical body, my vision shifts immediately and it becomes very visual. I see their energy system and their aura, I see areas where there are blockages and others where there aren't. I see areas where there are imbalances, where there's disease.

If someone, for example, comes with a particular disease I can usually tune right into where it is. But I'm not a doctor, so I'm very careful with my guide about how we work on that. I've learnt now over the years to trust the way that Ortan will discuss that kind of thing. And very often people already know what's the matter with them, and as soon as you say something they say, 'Oh yes, I have had this problem,' and then it goes from there.

Guides, Higher Self And Soul

QUESTIONER: I wondered whether you could clarify the difference between the guides, the higher self and the soul.

ORTAN: It is a problem on the earth plane, is it not? Let's start with guides. We are not part of you in the way that the higher self and the soul are. We guides have an independent existence. It is our joy to serve you, to play with you and to work with you when you are ready to do so.

There are many definitions of all of the different aspects of yourself. Let's begin at the beginning. You have a physical vehicle that you have chosen for this lifetime but the presence within the physical vehicle -your personality and the things that operate the physical vehicle, if you like — are just the tip of the iceberg. Your entirety, your entire self as an energy being, is a great deal more complex -you could say larger -than that which is manifested through the physical vehicle.

The physical vehicle is an extension of your consciousness. It is where your consciousness has focused for this short time to learn lessons, to have experiences, to do other things that are part of the higher purpose, in other words part of the agenda of the larger being. This larger being exists through the dimensions and into the higher dimensions, and these are the aspects which we are discussing when we are talking of higher self- we are talking of soul, of monad.

The level of higher self is often confused on the earth plane with the term 'soul'. We would draw a distinction between these two aspects of your energy. We are talking about existence at different vibrational frequencies - or different dimensional levels. The higher self is very close to the physical self, being an aspect of your energy that is very close to physical reality, and the higher self can therefore mediate between the physical vehicle, the personality, and the lower self and the higher aspects of the soul.

So it is not a problem to use the terms 'higher self and 'soul' interchangeably. But the reality is that the soul is at a higher, pure frequency and is aligned directly with the emanations of Source, of Divine Creator, via the monad, of the All That Is the centre of what is emanating manifested beings, which is emanating souls, which is emanating the universe or possibilities in other words of existence.


