7 - Channelling For Others

By your allowing us to assist you,
you allow us to grow,
for our commitment,
our mission,
is a mission of service
until all of you who are upon the earth plane
have reached your fullest potential,
until all of you have reached
fulfilment and enlightenment.


Choosing Your Channelling Partner

When you are ready to do a reading for another person, here are a few suggestions. The easiest way is to begin by channelling for a trusted and sympathetic friend, perhaps for just fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. Choose friends who are supportive; even better, if at all possible, choose friends who also channel, then you can take it in turns to channel for each other.

Firstly, only channel for someone else when you feel absolutely ready - you don't need to prove anything to anyone. Don't do a reading if you aren't feeling well or if you're tired or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


When someone books a reading with Ortan, we send them a sheet outlining what to expect and how to prepare. This is rather formal if you are just doing a reading for a friend, but it helps if you explain to your friend that preparation is an integral part of the process of having a reading. Over and over again clients remark that having to sit down and figure out the questions has been a very useful exercise in itself, helping them to see what their priorities are and the areas where they really need help.

A copy of the sheet we send out is shown on p.89. We also include our name, address and telephone number, of course, together with directions for finding the School of the Living Light, and we quote the current fee for a reading. Many of our students have copied this sheet in their own literature, maybe editing some of it to suit their own needs, and you may like to do the same. You will find that people get a lot more out of the reading if they have spent this time in preparation.

Before my client arrives I spend a few minutes in meditation and make a connection with them at a soul level. I hold them in my heart and I call in my guide to assist me. After this I check that the room where we will be working is well aired and at a comfortable temperature. A box of tissues is useful as readings can often make people shed a few tears.

I have two tape recorders, one equipped with a small clip-on microphone through which I record the readings, the other for playing gentle music which helps me to concentrate and sets the scene for your client. It is also pleasant to have some fresh flowers in the room. Crystals can help to absorb negative energy, for which purpose I always have a couple of amethyst clusters in the room. Be sure to cleanse your crystals frequently.

Making Your Client Feel At Home

When your client arrives make sure they are comfortable, show them where the bathroom is and offer water or tea or whatever is appropriate. Clients are often very nervous when they come for a reading, so they need a few minutes to settle down before starting. Many clients expect a reading to be 'spooky' in some way, and are immensely reassured when they see that I look just like everybody else and that the surroundings are also quite normal. I begin by talking for a few minutes, first asking whether they have had a channelled reading before. They usually say no. Even if they say yes I explain that I am going to tell them about having a reading with Ortan so that they are quite clear about what is going to happen.


Making the Most of a Channelled Reading with Ortan

Ortan is a Being of Light who exists in the Higher Realms. He has not been incarnate on the earth plane as far as we know. He is a very loving being who serves those who wish to follow a spiritual path in this lifetime. He is a teacher guide.

If you are at a change point in your life, or if you feel that you are unsure about how to deal with problems in your life, then a reading with Ortan may be beneficial for you. He will not necessarily give cut and dried answers, but he will offer ideas for resolution of problems, or perhaps he will give a new perspective on them. Ortan is especially interested in giving spiritual guidance to genuine seekers of knowledge and often gives exercises and practices which you can follow to enhance your own spiritual development.

Lita does not channel people who have passed on, only guides. Ortan does not answer questions about the future, he stresses that he is not a fortune teller and that this is a Free Will universe, there are only probable futures and there are no fixed outcomes. He will, however, explore possible courses of action with you, but he never tells people what to do. Guides never take away your freedom of action and they stress that they never take away your lessons in this lifetime.

Lita and Ortan also offer Past Life Readings during which you and Ortan can explore the influence of past life experiences and lessons on this life.

Allow about an hour for your visit. If you wish to tape the reading then please bring a blank cassette with you. You should be aware that tape recordings of readings are not always successful, although we do seem to be getting better at it! It can also be beneficial to spend some time before the reading considering what you would like to discuss with Ortan, perhaps making a list of topics you want to cover, then you will not forget anything when you get here.


I say something along the following lines:

'I am Lita and I will be channelling my guide Ortan for you in a few minutes' time. When I am channelling I will be sitting in this chair with my eyes closed, in a state of light meditation. At the same time I will be playing some music on this tape machine and recording your reading on that tape machine. When my guide comes he will say, "Greetings, I am Ortan." When the reading is finished my guide will conclude by saying "... and I bid you my loving farewell for now." Then you know that he has gone.

'In between these two things readings are very individual and it is difficult to say exactly what will happen. You should be aware that, although the guide is talking to you, at the same time he is making an energy connection with you. This can lead to some people feeling a bit spacey or emotional or just a bit "different". But there's nothing to worry about - the guide will not do anything without your permission. So if, for example, the guide thinks that some healing work will be beneficial to you, he will first ask if you feel comfortable with that. If you don't, he won't offer the healing. The energy connection is the way that guides naturally connect - they are energy beings and they see us as energy beings too. So when I am channelling I "see" you through my guide's "eyes" rather than as I see you now through my own physical eyes.

'When I come back from the reading I may be a little disoriented for a few seconds, so just give me a moment to come back fully. I will remember what happened during the reading when I come back, but this memory will swiftly fade so that by tomorrow I won't remember anything about the reading.

'The guide will talk to you just as I am talking to you now. He may well put questions to you or ask for clarification. Just talk to him naturally as you do to me. Don't worry - you can't offend a guide or ask anything in the wrong way.

'Are there any questions you would like to ask before we begin?'

Giving The Reading

Many people are concerned that their questions may not be the 'right sort', and it is helpful to reassure them that they can't ask 'wrong' questions! Guides are so skilful at handling questions that they often help the client to focus in on what they really want to know. Clients are also often worried that their questions are not 'deep' enough or 'spiritual' enough. I explain that if something is important to them it is important enough to ask a guide. Guides are in service, Ortan has chosen to be channelled, and he doesn't make value judgements about the questions he is asked.

It can be helpful to explain, though, that if it is not the right time for the client to know the answer to a question then the guide will not give it. It may be, for instance, that the lessons of a particular experience are not yet completed and to point them out is premature. In past life readings Ortan will sometimes quickly pass over certain past lives and explain that there is no value for the client in knowing about them.

When Ortan and I were first working together I thought there would be limits on what topics he would discuss, but I quickly learned that he was interested in all kinds of things. For example, we were invited to teach channelling and carry out some readings in Hong Kong, a place where money and commercial interests are paramount. I had always thought my guide wasn't interested in such issues, but when a high-powered Chinese businessman came along Ortan proceeded to tell him how to run his business and how to organize his staff. I was amazed. The businessman loved it and said afterwards how useful it had been. I realized that I would have to stop telling people that Ortan doesn't know about business. He looks at it not from the management perspective but from an energy point of view: he just looked at the energy of what the client was bringing before him and talked to him about it.

Sometimes, when people come for readings, they'll ask a question and I know that Ortan has gone. He has gone off somewhere, acquired the information and brought it back for them. This only takes a matter of moments, but can be alarming as you know that the connection between you and the guide has gone into a suspended state. However, guides are not in the habit of leaving you in the lurch, and their temporary absence feels different from the feeling of losing your connection with the guide.

When you are losing the connection your mind starts to come in and there is a sense of 'fading', whereas when the guide is going off to obtain information the break is cleaner and you feel as if you are left hanging. It often feels subjectively like a long time, but really it isn't, so stay calm and wait.

The information that proves hardest to allow through is often the most important to channel for your client, so let yourself be stretched and keep your mind out of the way. Remember, one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a channel is to try and edit or decide yourself what should or should not be said to your client. Your guide knows exactly what to do and say, so just keep out of the way.

When you come back into the room after the reading, spend a few minutes discussing what happened with your client. This will help them to integrate the information and allows time for any other questions that they may have once the reading is over.


